Volunteering in South India.Single, Group or Corporate

CYDF welcomes volunteers around the world

Join hands with the Community

Your Corporate Social Responsibility starts here!

Softskill Development

We all learn from others all our life long that is the beauty in a cultural exchange program. CYDF organization not only develops your self-awareness and self-esteem but will encourage you to focus on other perspective and enlarge your vision of the world.


CSR Consultancy

All business have social responsibility to the world, CYDF offers to the firms Sustainability Consulting and Corporate Social Responsibility consultancy in order to improve the footprint you will let in this world and community.


Volunteer in India

Take a gap year in India to live as a part of a community, and exchange in our volunteer programs. Do you want to share your language proficiency, or helping in our local farm or community? Start a volunteering program in our local community in South India.


Welcome to Child and Youth Development Foundation

Child and Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) was founded in August 2016. It is a non-profit social enterprise that works with children and youth from rural communities that are economically distressed in South Tamilnadu in India. CYDF was established to address the issue of social exclusion faced primarily by the children and youth in rural villages, a major cause for the increase of diseases, drugs and crimes. The adolescent children and youth in these areas, in an age where they need to develop their personal identity, often struggle to continue or complete their education and develop skills, leaving them lagging behind when compared with their city counterparts. CYDF aims to help these children and youth develop their self-esteem by fostering their physical, social and intellectual development.


To create a healthy, sustainable community where every individual Child and Youth, despite of circumstances, is able to reach and fulfil his/her potential.


1. Eradicate malnutrition.
2. Every child receives quality education and has access to appropriate advice and guidance to pursue a career of their choice.
3. All natural resources, maintained, preserved and protected to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for every resident to live and work.

The Journey

The company was started by two young individuals, Raisa DAWOOD and Johnson Raja who had challenging formative years. They grew up in poverty with lack of skill-based learning, exposure, and thus, opportunities. As they crossed each other’s paths during their career, their similar past made them realise the need to create channels that enrich and empower the lives of children and youth in their rural communities.